Rightlook.com offers complete PDR tool and accessory packages to fit every business and budget. Unlike many other dent tool providers, Rightlook.com‘s PDR tool packages do not contain duplicate tools simply to make tool packages look larger or more complete. Each PDR tool package includes the most popular and unique dent tools, allowing the technician to be prepared to access a wide variety of dents that may be encountered.
Rightlook.com‘s philosophy on PDR tools and accessories is simple: The best PDR tools coupled with the best PDR training yields the best results. PDR tools and accessories are typically a one-time purchase, so Rightlook.com recommends purchasing high-quality tools that will last. All Rightlook.com PDR tools and accessories are high-quality, professional-grade tools that will withstand the rigors of professional paintless dent repair. The success of your PDR business depends on having the right tools for the job, so don‘t settle for anything less than the best!
Students who attend Rightlook.com‘s hands-on PDR training course learn about the benefits of each dent tool and PDR accessory during training class, which allows them to make an informed decision about which PDR tools and accessories to purchase. Rightlook.com also has educated business consultants who can help you select the best PDR tool and accessories that will meet your business needs and fit within your budget. Choose from comprehensive Gold, Silver or Bronze packages, smaller starter packages, or specialty packages such as whale tail tool sets flat bar sets. Or, design your own tool and accessory package by purchasing items separately.
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